Here's a quick update on what's been happening with me personally, professionally and passionately...
Since last Summer, the Staggs have been in a whirlwind of change. We bought a new house and moved to a new county! House hunting during the pandemic was no joke, but we endured and are now comfortably settled in to our new house :)
Thank you to all who helped Little Miss A with her very first Girl Scout Cookie sale! She competed in her very first cheer competition in December and again last month.

Work is going well. I developed a signature training series on trauma and became a Standards for Excellence Licensed Consultant. I have also been pretty busy with Mental Heath First Aid training as the demand continues to skyrocket. Let me know if you or anyone you know would be interested in learning more about any of these.
I also launched a new one hour workshop on how to enhance participant engagement for virtual training sessions. Let me know if this is osmething you are interested in.

PNK is getting close to launching our children’s book. Sign up for updates here.
In the meantime, I’m excited to announce the launch of another children’s book project! Yes, another! I can hardly believe that by the end of this year, I will have authored two books!
Dear Daughter is a Celebration of Love presented by seven girl mom author collaborators. Each girl mom has submitted inspirational and encouraging letters to uplift girls everywhere. This children's book collaboration has vivid images and words of affirmation for parents and girls to enjoy. Click here to watch my interview with one of my co-authors.

That's it for now, but I will be back soon with more!