I can’t believe a whole year has gone by since my last update! My bad y’all…geesh, so much to share!

PERSONALLY...I applied, was accepted, enrolled, and completed my first year of a doctoral program! Yep, I decided to return to school and am expecting to receive my Ed.D. (Doctor of Education) in 2026. Mr. DrummerBoy launched his company, Boots & Drums Handyman Services, and we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary with an amazing trip to Paisley Park! Little Miss A successfully completed 3rd and started 4th grade as an honors student and musician (advanced violin). She also became a Girl Scout Junior and moved up a level on her cheer squad :) Oh, and she is still selling Girl Scout Cookies through January 14th - place your order for shipping or local delivery here.

PROFESSIONALLY...I joined the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County (CFAAC) Board of Trustees. This is my first Board position, and I am enjoying being a part of such awesome change in my home community. I became a Certified Mental Health Coach, and at work, I joined a team that provides training and consultation to child welfare and mental health professionals, working together to support children and families receiving cognitive behavioral therapy. I continued to provide training for CASA and MHFA and spoke at several events, including the Mental Health First Aid Instructor Summit in Los Angeles. Most recently, I facilitated my first teen Mental Health First Aid course for 11th graders at a local high school.

PASSIONATELY...Little Miss A and I have attended numerous vendor events, selling all of our I Am Femspiration™ products, including our children's book Dear Daughter. We also added I Am Femspiration™ girls' t-shirts, and for the holiday season, Little Miss A created and sold children's bracelets. It's not too late to grab your products; click the image below and use code SUNFLOWER for a special discount. Between selling Girl Scout cookies and assisting at vending events, she has really taken to entrepreneurship - stay tuned to hear all about her plans for 2024!

2023 was not without its challenges and losses. Little Miss A's favorite teacher moved out of state, we lost dear friends and family members, and we all had to make major adjustments for my return to school. Through it all, we are living our dreams and supporting each other along the way.
Wishing you all a safe, healthy, and prosperous New Year, Cheers to 2024!