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Happy 2025!

Whew, 2025 is already showing out huh?

Please protect your peace and try and focus on things that bring you joy! Here's some of what has been going on with me.

PERSONALLY, I was honored to be spotlighted in Voyage Baltimore; my interview is here. I officially began my dissertation credits last month and can't wait to share my research plans with you in the Spring. Mr. Drummer Boy and I are preparing for Little Miss A's inevitable transition to middle school. She passed her theater and dance auditions for the middle school magnet program, made the honor roll, and had a successful winter concert, where she played violin and sang in the choir. Cheer season has begun, and Girl Scout cookie sales are underway.

PROFESSIONALLY, I continue to be blessed with many opportunities to educate professionals and lay people on everything from mental health to child welfare to suicide prevention. Although I offer these services professionally, I am passionate about educating communities about how to help each other heal. Click the testimonial below to learn more about these services.

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PASSIONATELY, the soft launch of PNK's new book, Triple Threat, during Howard University's Homecoming FamFest was a success! We had a great time sharing about the book and connecting with families on the yard. As we lead up to the launch, I wanted you all to be the first to see the book trailer. Check it out here and click the image below to buy your copy in paperback or hardcover now on Amazon.

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